As I write my first post I keep asking myself, why have I done this. I believe the answer is to put my feelings and experiences out there for others to get validation and possibly help those in a similar situation. The secondary reason is to discuss the decision to have a tubal and the feels that result once the decision and procedure have been completed. Before I begin all of this I should probably tell you all a bit about me, so when I begin my regular posting you will know all the players.
As I said in my "About Me" section, I am a 31-year old working mom. I am a marketing chemist for a company that customizes gas chromatographs (Wasson-ECE Instrumentation). So some of your eyes have already glazed over, all the fancy language above boils down to I sell scientific equipment to mostly chemical plants and refineries. My job includes travel, so you will often see posts about the places I'm traveling to and my experiences. I have two children. Makayla is my 6 year old who is getting ready to start 1st grade and Blaine is my 18 month old son. My husband, Chad and I have been married for 12 years this December.
In addition to my two legged family, I have three dogs, two cats, and a horse. All of these animals are VERY special to me. Our first "children" were Bonnie and Clyde. Two mutts adopted from the Denver Dumb Friends League. Bonnie is a border collie/Rottweiler mix and Clyde is a beagle/Bassett hound mix. They are both 8 years old now and my son LOVES Clyde. After Bonnie and Clyde, we got our cat Paxton. He is a quirky FAT cat and we love him. After we got Paxton, my mother-in-law rescued some kitties from her mother's garage and Makayla fell in love with one striped kitten, so we added Moxie to our family. She is a real sweetie with the exception of her drooling problem when she purrs.
In March of 2006 when we moved to Wellington I began looking for somewhere to volunteer to work with horses, because I LOVE LOVE LOVE horses. I found the MOST WONDERFUL sanctuary in the world Denkai Animal Sanctuary and they had a horse called Black Magic. I began visiting the sanctuary and working with Black Magic who was a 3 year old without ANY training. I will get into her story another time, but in October of 2006 I decided to board Magic at a facility near my home and now she is mine! She will be featured, I'm sure, in several posts.
Finally, Denkai rescued a group of Saint Bernard puppies and I fell in love with one that looked like a little bear. We adopted him and Walter is our youngest at 2 years old.
As you can see my life is quite full and very busy. I look forward to posting and sharing my life with all of you! Please be kind in your comments. I try to follow a rule my mother told me as a child, "If you don't have anything kind or constructive to say, don't say anything at all."
Thank you for reading my first post, I promise the others will be shorter. ;)
Healthy eating during pregnancy
6 years ago
Hey Shannon!
I'm so excited you started a blog. You're going to love it! Let me know if you want to network it out and do giveaways etc. I can help you find the right sites to work with.
As far as your blog design, Check out some free websites like: I think this site is the easiest to use and they have tons of choices. Let me know if I can help you out with anything. Looking forward to reading your blog!
Hey Shannon! It does seem like you have a pretty busy life going on... I would love to read more of your posts :) I got your message on my blog and I can definitely help you out. You can get the sale price and your blog will be ready in less than a week. Do you have an email so I can send you some info? contact me here:, thx :)
Hi - I look forward to reading more of your blog - i just found you thru Confessions of a first time mom - just wanted to stop by and say hi!
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